Start your day with the best cleansing detox tea recipe for weight loss using lemon, ginger root and cayenne pepper to activate the digestive system, boost the metabolism, remove toxins gently and supports a healthy immune system.
1cup water
1inchginger rootthinly sliced
⅛tspcayenne pepper
Heat water just below boiling.
Add sliced ginger and lemon juice to a mug.
Pour hot water into mug and allow to steep for 5 minutes.
Add a dash of cayenne.
Use fresh ginger for best results. Ground ginger will taste good, yet won't give your body the benefits that fresh ginger root does.
Cayenne pepper will help with the cleansing process. I know it's a strong ingredient— it can be omitted if you aren't able to tolerate them.
You want to make sure your water isn't boiling because this will start to kill off the medicinal properties of the lemon and ginger root. Warm water is just fine, or even room temp if that's easier for you.
Adding parsley is a powerful natural diuretic and can help reduce bloating.