Ginger Lemon Honey Tea is renowned for its benefits in soothing cold and flu symptoms. If you’re looking for a natural remedy to combat congestion, heal a sore throat and boost immunity, this recipe is for you.
Place the lemon and ginger slices in the mason jar, alternating layers of each.
Slowly, pour honey over the lemon and ginger. Allow the honey to sink down and around the lemon and ginger slices. Fill jar to the top with honey and seal tightly.
Store in the refrigerator. Over time, the mixture will start to turn into a loose jelly.
When you are in need of some soothing tea for cough, scoop 2-3 tablespoons into a mug full of hot water—be sure to scoop whole pieces of ginger and lemon. Allow to steep for 3-4 minutes and sip away.
Since lemons are going into this concentrate, make sure to wash them well before slicing.
Use a jar with a tight-fitting lid to ensure this mixture stays protected.
For best personal results, use raw, local honey that was made within the season you are using it.