Tickly throat? Cough? Congestion? Any time I feel a cold coming on, I start taking shots of my homemade fire cider recipe that'll help a cough and cold naturally and quickly.
½cupginger rootgrated
½cuphorseradish rootgrated
1yellow onionchopped
10garlic clovescrushed or chopped
2jalapeño pepperchopped
1lemonzest and juice
2cupsraw apple cider vinegaror until full
Dice, peel and chop all ingredients into small pieces and toss into a bowl. (If you've never grated fresh horseradish, it can be intense!)
Mix it all together and scoop into a quart-sized mason jar.
Pour apple cider vinegar on top of all ingredients until completely submerged.
Cover with an airtight lid. You can place a piece of parchment paper under the lid to keep the vinegar from touching the metal or use a plastic lid if you have one.
Shake well.
Store in a dark, cool place for a month (like the back of a pantry) and shake every few days.
After a month, pour contents through a sieve to separate the liquid from the solids.
Pour the liquid that went through the sieve in a sterilized clean jar in the fridge. When you feel the onset of a tickly throat, congestion or cough, take a shot glass full of this a few times a day.
Scrub your hands with water and baking soda after cutting the horseradish and pepper to get any residue off your hands before touching your face or eyes.
Other recipes include different spices, so feel free to add what you want most to the mixture before letting it set.
Instead of taking it shot style, you can also add 1-2 tbsp of fire cider to warm water and turn it into tea. It really helps clear your sinuses.
Mix 1-2 tbsp of fire cider with warm broth for a warming beverage.