Create your own homemade protein powder recipe for smoothies using high-quality protein & healthy fat from hemp, chia and flax. These plant-based ingredients can turn any smoothie into a nourishing meal replacement.
Blend on high until ingredients are a fine powder consistency. Stop blending as necessary and scrap the bottom of the blender with a thin spatula in case it starts caking or gets stuck.
Transfer to an airtight container with a wide opening so you can scoop out the right measurement.
When you're ready to use, scoop out 1/4 cup per serving.
If the texture isn't smooth, you'll need to grind the seeds even more. You can double or triple the recipe to get a good amount in your blender, which will make it easier to blend.
Feel free to use a spice grinder for the blending process as well. I wasn't able to create as fine a powder as I wanted with a coffee grinder.
Look for a hemp powder where the only ingredient is hemp, like Just Hemp or Hemp Yeah.
One serving of this homemade protein powder can turn any smoothie recipe into a meal replacement smoothie.
Store in cool, dry place or in the fridge for up to one month for best quality.