Learn how to cut pineapple to use any way you want. I've got a step-by-step tutorial that will give you confidence to buy whole pineapple and cut it yourself. One whole pinneapple makes about four cups of fruit.
Twist off the spiky stem. If your fruit is ripe, this should come off easily.
Slice off both ends so you have a flat surface on either side. Stand the pineapple up on one of the flat ends.
Carefully peel off the skin using the vegetable cleaver one side at a time. Follow the shape of the pineapple as your guide since it is rounded.
Use a paring knife or the edge of you larger knife to cut out any black “eyes” that are left. Then cut the fruit in half along the core.
Cut strips of fruit away from the core diagonally, until it is easy to slice the core away from the rest of the fruit. Repeat with the other half.
Line up 2 stripsof fruit at a time and dice into the size you want; I like to make about 1-inch thick pieces for eating and freezing, smaller if I know I will toss them into a salad.
Nutrition facts are based on the fact that 1 medium whole pineapple produces approx. 4 cups of fruit. Results will vary based on the size of your pineapple.
To store in fridge: place pineapple in an airtight container and refrigerate for 5-7 days.
To store in freezer: spread pineapple chunks on a parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze for 4 hours. Once the chunks are all frozen, store in a freezer-safe storage bag for up to 6 months.
Alternatively, you can prep the fresh pineapple, then prep smoothie packs to freeze.