My family devours bowls of boiled edamame anytime we are at a restaurant or at home. It's super easy to make and oh-so-delicious to enjoy. This can be enjoyed all by itself as a filling snack or popped out of the pods as a protein-dense salad topping.
Bring water and salt to a boil. Add edamame and cook for 5 minutes or until the edamame are tender and easily released from their pods, yet don't release them just yet.
Drain thoroughly and place in a serving dish.
Sprinkle with coarse finishing salt and enjoy!
Do not eat the outer pod, just the beans on the inside.
I love enjoying them with just salt, yet feel free to use a dipping sauce like ginger soy sauce or some soy sauce mixed with wasabi.
You can use fresh or frozen edamame for this recipe, both are delicious! I often find that frozen edamame comes with a packet of coarse salt to add, so look for that inside the packaging.