Plant-Based Masterclass

Discover what it means to go “plant-based” with our three-part video series to confidently transition to a plant-based lifestyle that’ll transform your health, inspire you in the kitchen and never leave you hungry.

What you’ll learn…

lesson #1 of plant-based masterclass is take the assessment

How to fuel your body on a plant-based diet

Lesson 1

We’ll explore what it means to be “plant-based” and assess where you’re personally at with a plant-based scorecard to make the transition effectively.

lesson #2 of plant-based masterclass is kitchen tools

Discover kitchen tools to make the transition easier

Lesson 2

Jen will walk you through her favorite kitchen appliances and food items to support a plant-based diet.

lesson #3 of plant-based masterclass is meal planning

Create your own plant-based meal plan to rawk the week

Lesson 3

Build your own meal plan template to feel confident going into each week as you make healthier eating choices.

jen Hansard has

Empowered millions of people to take control of their health with her recipes, meal plans + live events

For my family, green smoothies were the “gateway drug” to a healthier life. Within a few weeks of drinking them, I was a different person. I was actually eager to wake up in the morning, bike my son to preschool, and then head to the playground with my daughter.

I started meal planning each week and making sure smoothies and veggies were in everything. I had more energy and completed a half-marathon in 2014, a marathon in 2015, an ultra-marathon in 2017 (100km), and then ran across the Grand Canyon in 2018 (49 miles). Since then, I’ve ran the canyon every year as a way for me to stay in shape, spend much needed time in nature and reconnect with myself.

Yet it doesn’t stop there. 👇

Backyard family farm

As homegrown as it gets!

We started a backyard family farm with raised beds, compost bins, chickens and rabbits in Florida. It took a lot of physical strength to farm and garden!

Disaster Relief volunteer

Creating clean drinking water

I’m a trained volunteer with World Hope International and fly into disaster zones to create clean drinking water for those in need. We sleep in tents and brave bad weather to save lives and help those in need.

Learned to Fly a Plane

Dreams can come true!

I always wanted to fly an airplane— it was my childhood dream. I spent months taking flying lessons and loved every moment I spent in the sky.

I’m still a work in progress (half & half in my coffee, Taco Bell and I are BFFs), but I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve come. You see, I plan to live a long, active and adventurous life and I’m doing what I can to cultivate a lifestyle that supports it. My husband (Ryan) is an Air Force chaplain, so travel is in our lifestyle… and I a determined to keep my body rawkin’ so no matter where we move or how old I get, I can still go after my passions. I love sharing my journey and can’t wait to break it down into bite-size lessons in my plant-based masterclass.

Jen hansard with family hiking along hollywood hills on sunny day.
Family photo hiking in the Hollywood Hills: Ryan, Clare, Jen and Jackson

Current bucket list adventures

  • Visit all US National Parks as a family.
  • Complete a Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim with my kids.
  • Thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail in 2027.
  • Do a Netherland Bike Tour with Ryan for our 30th anniversary.
  • Trek the Camino de Santiago.

By drinking green smoothies and eating mostly plant-based, I’ve transformed my health. I am finally able to see my dreams as a possibility that I’m trying to chase down.

I’m here to help you do the same. Let’s transform your health one smoothie at a time. Unleash the energy inside you to go after the things that matter most. Who you are today, can be someone different tomorrow. I’m proof of that. Now, are you ready to take the first step like I did? —Jen Hansard