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If you’re anything like me then your blender is the most used appliance in the kitchen. It works to make those daily green smoothies as well as soups like my vegan tomato soup, sauce staples like cashew cream and more! Let’s give it a little love and learn how to clean a blender to keep your machine at peak performance. With my easy guide that smoothie maker will become a self-cleaning blender.

white woman using a black Vitamix blender to blend a green smoothie, next to 3 bowls on a kitchen counter.

I often get the question, “How do you keep your blender container so clean?” My cleaning methods work on any kind of blender, from high-powered blenders to portable ones. After this tutorial, you’ll be a pro at how to clean a blender. And the bonus is it’ll feel like you’ve got a self-cleaning blender!

Table of Contents
  1. The Self-Cleaning Blender in 3 Easy Steps
  2. Deep Cleaning Instructions
  3. How to Clean the Outside of the Blender
  4. Pro Tips + Tricks
  5. How to Clean A Blender FAQs

The Self-Cleaning Blender in 3 Easy Steps

If you’ve been wondering how to clean that blender without too much work, then I’ve got the solution for you. Here are three quick steps that I do at least once a week to keep my awesome blender looking new.

  1. Add soap and warm water: Fill your blender about 1/2 way with warm water and a few drops of dish soap.
  2. Blend: Put the lid on the blender (don’t forget to do this!), then place it onto the base. Turn the machine on and let ‘er rip for a few seconds while you watch the magic happen.
  3. Rinse well: Rinse the soapy, foamy water after you’re done blending. Then watch your pitcher sparkle (and avoid that extra “clean” taste next time you blend).

Follow these steps immediately after blending and pouring out your green smoothie so that the smoothie remnants don’t stick to the sides of the container. I like to rinse out the container before adding soap and warm water, kind of like rinsing off your dishes before sticking them into the dishwasher.

This method works on any kind of blender, not just my trusty Vitamix. I try to use unscented dish soap in my blender (as well as in my coffee maker) so that there is no aftertaste. It’s totally your preference, yet it does make a difference!

Deep Cleaning Instructions

vitamix blender with soap suds inside next to a bottle of dish soap, showing how to clean a blender.

Does your blender need some extra elbow grease to make shine again? If you notice a foggy film appearing on the inside of your blender pitcher (this can happen in plastic and glass blenders), then use these ingredients to clean your blender jar right up.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great and natural ingredient used in many household cleaners. It is a great, as well as safe, cleaner for blenders with stubborn stains, too!

Mix baking soda with enough water to turn it into a paste. Use a sponge to apply that paste to the cloudy spots in my blender container. Let it set for 30 minutes, then wet the sponge and lightly scrub on the spots with the paste. This should create enough friction to help you rub off the film.

Rinse the container well and look at your shiny ‘new’ blender!


Adding vinegar in with your soap and water mixture can help combat cloudy spots as well. Some people use straight vinegar to clean, yet I find that it leaves an aftersmell.

Since I don’t like vinegar flavor in my smoothies, I usually add 1/4 cup of vinegar to warm water, then clean using the three-step process above.

This especially helps when those pesky chia seeds stick to the blades or sides of the container. If you try soapy water first and it doesn’t quite get all the extra bits then switch to this vinegar method to ensure a truly clean container.

Scrub Brush

Have you ever tried to get sticky peanut butter off your blender blades after that chocolate peanut butter smoothie? Any kind of food residue on the bottom of the blades will encourage bacteria growth, so it’s important to safely clean them as well.

4 wire straw cleaners with white bristles on a concrete countertop.

I take a long straw brush and bend it about an inch from the end. Then I add a few drops of dish soap or some baking soda paste, even warm soapy water might work, to scrub the bottom of the blades.

This helps get any extra bits off without having to stick my hands close to the blades in the bottom of the blender jug.

How to Clean the Outside of the Blender

Now that the inside of your blender is shiny and new, it’s time to make the outside match! Ingredients can get stuck, dripped, or spilled on the base of the blender, and need to be cleaned too.

I typically use a soft cloth and warm water to wipe down the outside of my Vitamix. If something greasy gets stuck, add a little vinegar to the cloth as well, then apply a bit of elbow grease.

The same goes for the blender base. Since you can’t stick this in a sink of hot water, hand-wash the exterior with a light wipe.

Pro Tips + Tricks

yellow cleaning gloves scrubbing a blender container with a sponge and soap in a sink.

I do not want to taste my dish soap in my next smoothie. I actually switched to a scent-free soap to eliminate any hint of an aftertaste.

Consistency and promptness are the keys to the cleanest machine. I know it’s hard to wash your dishes right away at times, but hear me out. There is no blender container that doesn’t have nooks and crannies that are difficult to reach. If you let that container sit for hours, or days, after use then it will be incredibly more difficult to clean out food remnants.

Instead, try to use this three-step method daily, then deep clean once a week or every two weeks to ensure your appliance is given its best chance at a long and happy life in your kitchen.

How to Clean A Blender FAQs

What are the three ways of cleaning a blender?

I use either unscented dish soap, baking soda paste or vinegar to clean my blender. Since it is a machine that makes food, stay away from harsh chemicals or cleaners. Be patient if you have a film or something sticky, go the route of soaking and waiting vs. trying something more harsh and possibly harmful. And clean consistently! I notice that when I clean my blender right after use, it stays shiny and fresh a lot longer.

How do you deep clean a blender lid?

Blender lids often have weird crevices that make them hard to clean. Don’t be afraid to soak that lid in warm, soapy water for 30 minutes to help lift up tough spots. Also, if your lid has a rubber gasket around it, make sure you remove and clean that often as well. That is the perfect place for mold to get trapped.

Can you wash a blender in the sink?

I don’t recommend submerging a blender container in a sink full of water since all the blenders I’ve owned have metal pieces on the bottom of the container that might rust. Instead, use my three-step method for a self-cleaning blender, then try safe products like baking soda and vinegar for deep cleaning.

How do you clean your blender? Drop a comment and let me know your favorite blender cleaning tips + tricks.

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  1. I do rinse it out immediately after blending our green smoothies every morning. Then, once a week I put my Blendtec and its lid & cap in the dishwasher, lid & cap on top rack, blender jug on bottom facing down, and it cleans it up quite nice.

  2. Has anyone thought of using citric acid to clean the blender jug? I use citric acid to clean my egg cooker. After a number of uses the calcium build up starts sticking to the non stick coating of the cooker base. Easiest way to clean is to use a couple of tablespoons of citric acid and boil it up in the cooker. The mineral build up just floats away. I can’t see why it shouldn’t work with the blenders. I don’t have a build up problem with my blender as it has a glass jug. It would be interesting to here if it works.

  3. I like your technique because IT SAVES WATER!
    We are all organic, pro-health water but we waste so much water. One day we will miss it.

  4. I have a Vitamix that I adore. I have had it for a year now and I have very hard water where I live. Everything gets crusted with minerals constantly. But not my Vitamix! I clean it like this daily but I always rinse it and then towel dry it.

    If I didn’t, it would be coated with lime quickly. My Nutribullet got that way very quickly as I did air dry it. I couldn’t get rid of the mineral buildup with anything!
    I gave my NB to my son anyway, but I don’t want my beautiful (6300) VM getting ugly like that. I don’t use my blender to make my coffee/butter/coconut oil mix, I use a little immersion attachment for my hand mixer. Works just fine.
    For those of you that are curious:


  5. My vitamix container got really bad. I filled it with vinegar and let it soak for a couple of days. Then I used baking soda and scrubbed with a sponge and it really cleared it up. I also read on the Vitamix website that you should always dry it out with a towel after cleaning and don’t let it air dry. Since I have been doing that it has stayed clearer and less fog build up.

  6. I wonder if the fog problem is due to using citrus fruits, like lemons, limes, grapefruits, etc. I use Young Living Essential Oils and only use the citrus oils in a glass container b/c they will make a plastic cup look cloudy from stripping a layer of the plastic off. Not something you want to drink! Just a thought…

    1. Not sure, Katie what causes it. Lisa (the comment above) has some great tips. 🙂

  7. The only thing I’ve found to work to remove the cloudy film from my Nutribullet cup is to use soapy hot water and spin it (to clean the blades), and then add some bleach, (Yes, bleach) to the cup and let that sit in the cup for a few hours or overnight. It works like a charm… I just hope it’s safe… (??)

    1. Not sure you want to use bleach on items that you will use to drink out of. I would stick to baking powder and vinegar if needed.

      1. I thought the same thing Jessie, but my boyfriend insists that it’s perfectly safe… Hmmm…..

  8. I use an immersion blender for my bulletproof coffee….and I add a heaping teaspoon of turmeric paste to make what I call a “Golden Latte”….OMGOODNESS! Who knew butter and oil in your coffee could be so wondeful?!?

  9. I would love a recipe for the homemade LaraBars you mentioned…they can get expensive!

    1. Yes, they can.

      I will ask Jen and get back to you. Maybe we can do a new post on all things Jen’s recipes. 🙂 She’s got some good ones.

  10. I’ve tried all kinds of ways to get rid of that foggy film on my Vitamix and it is still there. I wash it every time I use it with water and dish soap and let it run at least a minute. I have scrubbed it with a non scratch scrubbing pad and still can’t get that fog off. What is going on?

    1. Hey Jody,

      Thanks for the comment. I would suggest double checking on Vitamix’s website, not all Vitamix’s are dishwasher safe.

  11. Cleaning the blender this way was a MAJOR selling point for me in deciding to buy a Vitamix. It’s so quick and when the water gets hot after blending I use the water to get rid of all that gunk that sticks to the blender cap.

  12. I use coconut oil in my smoothies everyday and my vitamix is cloudy. Thanks for the tip on cleaning it up 🙂

  13. I have a omega juicer that got cloudy , I make alot of fresh pineapple juice, when I started that, it started clouding up. (could it be the same with the Vitamix , mine is new and hasn’t clouded up yet.) I’m going to try some coconut oil with baking powder to clean it. Thanks for the great tip. Jothi

  14. I use hot soap water and it works, can I ask what is with coconut oil and coffee.