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You’re in for a treat with our latest healthy meal plan that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner…and snacks. If you’re looking for the best weekly weight loss meal plan, look no further. All of our recipes use clean ingredients and embrace plant-based whole foods.

If you stick with this meal plan for 7 days, you should see weight loss. All of our recipes are high in fiber, low in fat and packed with nutrients. This Weight Loss Meal Plan is for those trying to quit sugar, gluten, meat, or dairy. Removing these common inflammatories from you diet can enhance weight loss results, improve skin conditions, energy levels and overall health. The power of food is real! Experience it with me!

Table of Contents
  1. Understanding the Meal Plan
  2. Recipes to Promote Weight Loss
  3. Understanding Portion Sizes
  4. Grocery Shop in 30 minutes
  5. More 7-Day Meal Plans
weight loss meal plan printout overtop a bed of vegetables.

If you want something super fast to help your body reset, then try the 3-Day Smoothie Diet Plan. Yet if you want a week’s worth of nourishing meals then keep reading.

Understanding the Meal Plan

I’m just transitioning out of our SHOP NOW where I’ve lost 9 pounds (and gained a TON of energy). We gave up sugar, gluten, meat, dairy and caffeine for 21 days and reset our bodies with 100% plant-based whole foods. I plan to keep the momentum going and lose my “COVID 15”, which is where this weight loss meal plan comes into play.

Weight Loss Meal Plan Framework

Here’s the key features to help reduce inflammation, nourish the body and promote weight loss:

  • Gluten free
  • Vegan
  • Dairy Free
  • Low in sugar

I created this 7-day meal plan using Rawk the Year, making sure to include tasty recipes that are light, energizing and nourishing. You can create your own plant-based meal plans with our free 7-day trial. (You won’t regret it.)

Recipes to Promote Weight Loss

Each recipe has been chosen for a specific purpose in the weight loss meal plan. You’ll be eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds this week.

days of the week on the left side with rows of recipes written out to create a weekly weight loss meal plan.







fridge with clip magnets holding a print out calendar of recipes and a few sketches.

Understanding Portion Sizes

One of the biggest culprits of weight gain is eating more calories than you’re burning. It’s important than you stick with the measurements and servings to achieve the results you desire: weight loss. I’ve built this meal for one person (so double if you’re doing this with a loved one). Here’s some more tips on portions:

  • Each dinner makes two servingsโ€” the second serving is meant for lunch the next day.
  • When you blend the smoothies, you can store the additional servings in the fridge with a lid so they’re ready to go the next day.
  • Each snack makes a few servings and you can pick which ones to make and enjoy.

Grocery Shop in 30 minutes

With the free grocery list included in the Weight Loss Meal Plan, you can get everything you need in 30 minutes or less. I like to do online grocery pickup to save even more time, yet if you hit the store, you can burn extra calories. So you… do you.

More 7-Day Meal Plans

If you loved this easy meal plan, then try out another free plan for next week! I know how hard meal planning can be so grab one below and put those hours to better use enjoying other things in life than planning what you’ll eat. If you have other “meal plan” requests, leave a comment below and let me know. I’m excited to share more of them with you!

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  1. Dear Jen,
    I am writing you because I want to encourage to keep sending the 7-day meal plans whenever you feel lead to! Please do not be discouraged by a small number of downloads! I saw it last week, and I meant to download right away, but life got crazy here in Daphne, AL – especially since Hurricane Zeta was on it’s way so shortly after Sally. I always look forward to your emails, and I share them with a lot of friends! The way you organize your meal plans and Plant-Based Cleanses is really awesome. The detail you provide with the shopping list and the research you do on how the ingredients affect your body, mind and spirit is remarkable. I have all your cookbooks and they are a wealth of information. You have really stepped up your game in providing the new protein powders, the Simple Green Smoothie Meals Cookbook, and now the meal plans. I intend to sign up for the meal plans, but 2020 has brought on new expenses for us and adding another monthly expense to our budget is not doable right now. But don’t lose hope! Keep sending those friendly emails that make us feel like we are sitting in the kitchen with you, and keep on encouraging all of us to take part in the journey towards a much improved lifestyle! The 7-day Meal plans are an excellent way to introduce a family to the Simple Green Smoothie Lifestyle – it just takes some of us a little longer to take on the whole package! Just know that you are making a difference and you definitely have a wonderful business model! You and your staff are all RAWKSTARS!
    Valerie Rodriguez
    Daphne, Alabama

    1. Valerieโ€”ย you just made my day! Thanks for taking the time out of your day to share how much the cleanse and meals plans have helped you. I will keep doing more of these to help you stay on track while money is tight. I think you will love our Rawk the Year Meal planner when you’re ready. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. These recipes are yummy. I have enjoyed them during a 21 day cleanse a few years ago and this is a great excuse to try them again. Thanks for the reminder to eat more healthily. I have one comment on the comfort soup. This is delicious, but the kale looses its crispness if scattered on the soup. I prefer it on the side, crunchy and tasty. I adore the simplicity of the tamari almonds and of course the smoothies are delicious.

    1. 5 stars
      So glad you’re enjoying them Sue. That’s a great option for the kale croutons if you like the crunch. Appreciate you taking the time to share what you liked about this. Looking forward to sharing another one soon!

  3. This is great! Thanks for sharing. Definitely helps to keep on track if thereโ€™s a meal plan and youโ€™ve done all the work for us!

    1. Super good to know! Thanks Tash for sharing and letting me know it is helping you…just like it is me. We got this!

  4. 5 stars
    Thanks for sharing this meal plan! We werenโ€™t able to do the 21 day cleanse (hopefully in the spring), so this is a great jump start along with the helpful meal plan in your cookbook!


    1. Awesome, Sloane! We look forward to you joining us for the spring cleanse!

  5. 5 stars
    I like the meal plan. I don’t really have to think of what “to cook” or plan to eat. What I think is really cool is the shopping list.

    1. The shopping list is my fav partโ€” it saves me so much time (and also minimizes the waste!)

  6. 5 stars
    I’m so thankful you offered this! It’s my 4th week of the 21 day cleanse! I’m loving it and grateful for your work to provide it!

    1. Thanks Sylvia! You rawked the Plant-Based Cleanse and I can’t wait to see where all of this takes you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Can’t wait to use this plan next week! Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been in a cooking rut and this will help get me out of it!

  8. This is so wonderful! Thank you for your generous heart and sharing your healthy habits & wisdom with all of us! Huzzah!

    1. So glad to hear you’ve enjoyed this Sooz. I’ll work on another one soon! xoxoxo

    1. You know it!!! I even shaved them really thin and cooked them in my cast iron and they were even more addictive… if possible. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Thanks, Jen. I was planning to transition from the cleanse using my favorites recipes from the past three weeks. You did it for me, and with a shipping list too!

    1. Yeah! So glad it was just what you needed. I mean, it’s what I needed to. We are not losing our momentum!!!!

  10. Hi Jen,
    The plan looks really yummy… I do have allergies to nuts and coconut. Do you have substitutions for those recipes?

    1. Hey Carlaโ€” I don’t have substitutes built into this meal plan here. Yet within Rawk the Year you can filter our recipes that contain nuts so you can focus on recipes that you can eat (and enjoy!).

  11. 5 stars
    Awesome meal plan! Seriously, I’m in awe that this is freeโ€”ย thank you! There are so many recipes that I look forward to trying! When you say we should spend a few hours prepping, what exactly do you mean?

      1. That makes total sense! Thanks for breaking it down like this. And I def want more of theseโ€” it would be cool to have a vegetarian meal plan and also a kid-friendly one too. That way I can cook for my entire family (and I hope you include Beginner’s Luck Green Smoothie in there!). My kids are obsessed with that recipe.