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When we eat junk, sleep less and sit more, the metabolism will slow down (and the scale starts to go up). I use my Metabolism Boosting Tea on my Plant-Based Cleanse to naturally suppress hunger, boost hydration and kick-start the fat-burning process.

When trying to shed a few pounds, I encourage you to drink this Metabolism Tea 1-2 times a day. It has all the fresh, raw ingredients needed to activate your metabolic system, naturally.

Table of Contents
  1. How to Use Metabolism Tea
  2. Powerful Ingredients in Metabolism Tea
  3. More Foods to Increase Metabolism and Burn Fat
  4. Metabolism Tea FAQs
  5. Metabolism Tea Recipe
gray counter top with several glass jars of maple syrup, metabolism boosting team, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon as well as fresh grated ginger on a white tray.

How to Use Metabolism Tea

To get your metabolism ramped up, you just need what we’ve always needed: rest, nutrient-dense foods that boost your metabolism and movement. This is how our bodies are meant to function and thrive.

When you get back to these three essentials, you’re practicing self-care and your body will begin to heal itself. Sometimes that means more energy, weight loss, clear skin, fewer aches, etcโ€”ย but no matter what it’s going to be feeling better than it does right now.

Best time to drink

The best time to have Metabolism Tea is upon rising as it will activate your digestive system and help relieve any bloating or digestive concerns. Once the tonic settles in, it’ll get your metabolism burn happening as well.

As the day goes on and you’re feeling hungry in between meals, sip this before you have a snack. Sometimes hunger is actually your body telling you it’s thirsty (the wires do often get crossed in our minds).

Can I make it in Bulk?

You can make this in bulk (omit the water) and freeze into ice cube trays. Then in the morning, pop one cube into a mug with hot water (or enjoy it cold in the summer). Doing this will set you up for that success you crave and get you on the road to lower weight + increased energy.

labeled ingredients for foods that boost your metabolism including apple cider vinegar, honey, cayenne pepper, ginger root, lemon and cinnamon.

Powerful Ingredients in Metabolism Tea

Let’s be honest. When you’re just started out with a healthier diet, it’s much easier to incorporate something healthy to drink than trying to cook a new meal. This drink isn’t the cure all, but it will support you on this wellness journey thanks to these awesome ingredients:

  • Apple cider vinegar – or ACV to its closest friends – contains something called acetic acid. While research is still being done to see how this is helpful, initial studies show that acetic acid reduces insulin levels, which in turn ramps up your metabolism.
  • Lemon: Lemon contains various polyphenols that can suppress our appetite.
  • Ginger root: This inflammation fighting root vegetable helps heal your body from the inside out.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon has a direct tie to our metabolism and can target the fat deposited in the abdominal area.
  • Honey: Using a natural sweeteners makes this drink delicious while also adding beneficial anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agents.

More Foods to Increase Metabolism and Burn Fat

Getting a healthy amount of leafy greens, legumes, proteins, vegetables and fruits is essential to supporting the metabolism. Slow-burning carbohydrates will help you maintain a stable metabolic rate and keep you active and nourished throughout the day.

Stick with foods like…

Refined sugars and simple starches do the opposite, spiking insulin production and throwing the whole system out of whack. This can cause the metabolism to slow down and to store sugar as fat rather than burning it as energy. Yet it’s not easy to say no to them, so I prefer the method of adding in more good stuff so it crowds out the bad.

Bottom line: A plant-based whole-food diet is going to do your metabolism some serious good.

glass jar of metabolism tea topped with cayenne pepper.

I hope Iโ€™ve inspired you to try this simple morning routine to kick start your weight loss journey. Set goals beyond pants size or poundsโ€”ย running a 5k, hiking a trail, running the Grand Canyon, kayaking with your kids, dancing with your loved onesโ€” allow your weight loss success to just be a launching pad to a more active energized version of you.

If youโ€™re looking for more support, check out our Plant-Based Cleanse. No diet pills. No expensive potions. Just recipes you can make from your local grocery store using lots of fresh, nutrient dense foods that boost metabolism – fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and spices.

glass jar of metabolism boosting tea with wooden lid and stainless steel straw next to glass jars of apple cider vinegar, honey and cayenne.

Metabolism Tea FAQs

What is the best tea for the metabolism?

Green tea is a popular one for boosting metabolism because it contains natural caffeine to energize the body as well as antioxidants called catechins that may help increase the metabolism and burn fat.

What does metabolism tea do?

The caffeine in tea can help speed up your metabolism and the antioxidants in certain teas can help burn fat. My tea is caffeine free (so never fear if you are caffeine sensitive!) yet it still contains several ingredients to speed up your metabolism and help burn fat.

What is the best tea to drink for weight loss?

Find a tea that can give you natural energy without a crash and one that helps your body burn fat. My tea contains apple cider vinegar, honey, lemon, ginger root, cinnamon and cayenne pepperโ€” all ingredients to naturally help your metabolism.

Metabolism boosting tea
4.93 from 88 votes

Metabolism Tea

Boost your metabolism naturally with our healing morning tonic recipe. This Metabolism Tea will keep your hunger cravings at bay and also kick start the fat burning process.ย 
Prep: 4 minutes
Cook: 1 minute
Total: 5 minutes
Author: Jen Hansard
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: Plant-Based
Serves: 1


  • 1 cup water warm
  • 1 tbsp raw honey raw
  • 2 tbsps lemon juice
  • 2 tbsps raw apple cider vinegar raw
  • 2 tbsps ginger root grated
  • โ…› tsp ground cinnamon ground
  • โ…› tsp cayenne pepper


  • Combine warm water with raw honey.ย 
  • Add in fresh lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.
  • Grate fresh ginger and add into mason jar.
  • Add a dash of fresh cinnamon and cayenne pepper.
  • Combine well with a whisk or adding a lid and shaking up.
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  • Use fresh ginger root for the most nutrients.
  • Using warm, not boiling water, will help the ingredients mix together well without burning away the nutrients that make them work in this recipe.ย 
  • If you are sensitive to spice then omit the cayenne pepper.
  • Find an apple cider vinegar “with the mother” for even more probiotic benefits.


Calories: 88kcal, Carbohydrates: 22g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 4mg, Potassium: 122mg, Fiber: 1g, Sugar: 18g, Vitamin A: 2IU, Vitamin C: 12mg, Calcium: 7mg, Iron: 1mg
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  1. I love this drink! What would be the best way to make it in batches? Remove the water and just make it as a concentrate maybe? Or make it into ice cubes? Thanks!!

    1. Hey Jane! I suggest making it into single-serving cubes you can add to water. If you make it as a concentrate, the longer the mixture sits, the more and more potent the spices will get and it will eventually be really tough to drink no matter how much you dilute it. (Speaking from experience!)

    1. Hi Shipra. I understand your confusion- vinegar and lemons are acidic. However, they help to alkalinize your body so they’re actually great things to drink, especially first thing in the morning. You should def give this drink a chance.

  2. 4 stars
    This tea tastes amazing, I have a hard time with the grated ginger when drinking the tea itโ€™s a bit much. Is the tea supposed to be strained prior?

    1. Cindy, you can definitely strain it if you like or you can use ground ginger in place of fresh.

  3. I LOVE Apple Cider Vinegar! I drink some diluted in my water everyday. The water might taste a little funny, but it makes me feel amazing! I am interested in this morning tea and going to start making it a morning habit. Thank you for the helpful healthy ideas!

  4. I think I need a literal kick in the you know what but I’m going to give this a try! Thanks for the recipe ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. This Metabolism Tea will keep your hunger cravings at bay and also kick start the fat burning process.

  5. When I use this tea I also don’t have allergies that day. It is so wonderful because allergy medicine gives me migraines.

    1. You def can but I’d wait to add the cinnamon and (especially) the cayenne pepper until right before you drink it. I learned the hard way that the longer potent spices are allowed to sit in a drink, the more pronounced the flavor of that spice will be. I enjoy cayenne pepper but the taste was *so strong* I felt like it knocked out every one of my taste buds. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    1. Shanna, the cayenne will make it a bit spicy. There is a compound called capsaicin in cayenne peppers and capsaicin has metabolism-boosting properties, which is why it’s an important ingredient in this recipe. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Nora, fresh ginger is best for this recipe. If you don’t have fresh and have to use ground ginger, you’ll want to use 1/4 teaspoon for every tablespoon the recipe calls for because ground ginger is much more concentrated in flavor.

  6. This is one of my favs! It really works! I have added fresh lime juice as well. My body thrives on this each day I awaken!

    1. I am so happy that you you enjoy this morning tea so much! I feel the same way when I drink this in the morning too. It makes my whole day better!!

    1. Hey Aminah,

      Yes, this would be a great addition to your morning routine!

  7. I’ve been drinking the tea since Monday when I started the smoothie challenge.
    It’s hard to drink I can’t tolerate all the ginger…
    I’m loving all the smoothie…my kale is a bit strong….
    Also can’t find the app…
    Hugs and happy smoothie

    1. Hey Donna,

      Try using less ginger and see how that works for you. You might need to slowly get use to it because we are all different. Same goes for the kale too! You can always switch it with spinach if you prefer.

      Hope that helps!

  8. Good morning,
    I have a question which is not related to this post. I have 2 Inflammatory diseases which caused severe pain. I cannot exercise anymore due to this issue. I have Endometriosis and Interstitial Cystitis(Bladder Disease) I’m not sure if you are familiar with either one of these. My bladder condition is the issue at this time with this disease I can’t have citric acid, caffeine… any suggestions of inflammatory green smoothies??

  9. I’ve been doing something very similar to this for years. I also add a tablespoon of turmeric paste to help with inflammation. I have lost 30 pounds over about three years and maintained it for the last two.

  10. Hooooo-eeee! That’s hot. My ginger was so fresh, the leaves were attached. And I was, perhaps, a little generous with the cayenne. The grated ginger pieces were too much so I threw the whole thing in my Vitamix with an extra 1/2 cup of water. Much easier to drink that way. It tastes better at the bottom of the cup as the honey tends to settle there. lol! Thanks for the recipe. I’m looking forward to experiencing more energy!

    1. Wow that does sound intense! I’m sure it woke you up and gave you a boost even if it wasn’t what you thought it would be like.

      This is one of my favorite morning routines and I always look forward to it ๐Ÿ™‚