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It’s my favorite season and I can’t wait to blend this pumpkin smoothie with you. It’s a delightful blend of sweet and warming flavors, just like a pumpkin pie! Season it with my homemade pumpkin pie spice seasoning and sip on joy in a cup.

While the weather might be getting cooler, I’m still sippin’ a daily smoothie. You can change up your ingredients to match the weather, and even blend warm smoothies if you can’t stand drinking something cold when it’s cold outside!

2 glass mugs with pumpkin smoothie topped with pumpkin pie spice next to a mug of pumpkin puree and a jar of spice.

Fall is my favorite time of year, from the weather to the food. This season you’ll find my family filling up on Loaded Sweet Potatoes and Sweet Potato Nachos like they’re going out of style and my smoothie creations will fall in line ingredient-wise as well!

Swing by the market and get some Autumn ingredients to blend along with me.

Table of Contents
  1. Recipe Ingredients
  2. Buying Pumpkin Puree
  3. Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice Blend
  4. How to Blend the Perfect Pumpkin Smoothie
  5. FAQs
  6. More Recipes with Pumpkin
  7. Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe

Recipe Ingredients

labeled ingredients for a pumpkin smoothie recipe including spinach, vanilla extract, pumpkin pie spice, pumpkin puree, almond milk, banana and mango.

This is such a fun recipe and shows how easily you can turn even pumpkin into a tasty green shake in minutes. Here’s what I’m blending in my pumpkin pie smoothie:

  • Spinach: I know this doesn’t sound very dessert-like, yet I bet you don’t even taste it!
  • Unsweetened almond milk: There are a lot of creamy ingredients in this smoothie so I picked slightly less creamy milk. Feel free to swap it with the dairy-free milk of your choice since a nut-free option like hemp milk works great, too!
  • Pumpkin puree: Use store-bought or homemade, either works great! Just make sure the can is pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie mix. They aren’t the same.
  • Banana: This is where the sweetness comes in since pumpkin isn’t naturally sweet.
  • Mango: I like to add this as another creamy ingredient. It might take the sweetness too far for you so if that’s the case then swap it out for frozen cauliflower or avocado.
  • Pumpkin pie spice: I make my own jar and keep it in the spice drawer so I can easily shake some into my Healthy Coffee or some Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes. If you live in the United States then you can find this blend in the spice section of the grocery store. If you live abroad then check out my simple recipe below.
  • Vanilla extract: Just a touch of vanilla is the icing on the cake… or smoothie in this case.

If you’ve never made your own almond milk then you need to try that for this recipe. It doesn’t take much time, uses the same blender as your smoothie and is 100% worth it.

Buying Pumpkin Puree

tin bowl full of pumpkin puree.

If you’ve been around Simple Green Smoothies for a while then you know what I’m going to say about store-bought puree. Check the ingredients! Did you know that many cans of “pumpkin puree” can contain squash or even sweet potatoes as a filler?

Look for a brand that only has one ingredient, pumpkin. Also, make sure you aren’t accidentally buying pumpkin pie filling. The cans look similar and are often on the same shelf in the grocery store.

While that would be tasty, it contains spices and sugar. All we want is pumpkin for this recipe.

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice Blend

This pumpkin pie smoothie calls for one teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice per serving. I found out several years ago that this is an American thing and that people blending this recipe around the world couldn’t find pumpkin pie spice!

I played around with the spices in my cabinet until I came up with a winning combo to give you that classic pie flavor:

  • 1/4 cup ground cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom (optional)

Just add all these spices to a small jar, add a tight-fitting lid then give it a good shake to mix. Now you’ve got a fun blend that can come in handy this season!

How to Blend the Perfect Pumpkin Smoothie

glass mug of pumpkin pie smoothie on a wooden tray next to a jar of spice and a tin cup of pumpkin puree.

While the ingredients might be a slight departure from the more tropical green smoothies I often share, the blending process is the same.

  1. Blend spinach and almond milk until no leafy chunks remain. Depending on your blender this could take a bit, so be patient!
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and blend again until smooth. Stop and scrape down the insides of the blender as needed to ensure the creamiest texture.

Pro Tip: Use at least one frozen ingredient to get a refreshingly cool smoothie. I like to use frozen banana and frozen mango for smoothie recipes because they are easy to freeze and use in a wide variety of smoothies.

This is a great way to use the leftover pumpkin puree from your latest baked goods, so don’t throw it away! Instead, turn it into a fabulous smoothie snack.


Can you make a pumpkin smoothie?

You can definitely, easily make a pumpkin smoothie! Grab that leftover pumpkin puree and your blender and let’s go. I’m using spinach, banana, mango, pumpkin pie spice and almond milk with a touch of vanilla extract for the perfect pumpkin smoothie recipe.

Are pumpkin seeds good in smoothies?

You can blend pumpkin seeds into smoothies, they just might not grind up as smoothly as something like hemp hearts or chia seeds. Try instead to use a vanilla protein powder with pumpkin seeds as the main protein if that’s what you’re looking for.

What fruits should not be mixed together in a smoothie?

Honestly, I’m not sure there is a fruit I wouldn’t blend in a smoothie. While you might not like every flavor combination out there, you really can blend up pretty much any fruit you want to. I try to avoid dairy milks when doing smoothies as dairy makes me bloated yet I don’t have to worry about that with whole fruit.

2 glass jars of green smoothie topped with pumpkin pie spice.

More Recipes with Pumpkin

If you used some new canned pumpkin puree for this recipe then you need to find ways to use up the rest of it. Here are a few of my favorite pumpkin recipes that you can make after falling in love with this healthy pumpkin pie smoothie:

Does this sound like a smoothie you want to try? If you do, drop a rating + review and let me know your thoughts!

4.80 from 29 votes

Pumpkin Smoothie

This Pumpkin Smoothie is packed with fiber (great for digestion and feeling fuller longer), vitamin A (great for your eyes), and iron (great for healthy blood). Autumn has never tasted and felt so good!
Prep: 5 minutes
Total: 5 minutes
Author: Jen Hansard
Course: Smoothie
Cuisine: Plant-Based
Serves: 1


  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup almond milk unsweetened
  • ½ cup pumpkin puree unsweetened
  • ½ banana frozen
  • ½ cup mango frozen
  • 1 tsp pumpkin spice
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 serving homemade protein powder optional
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  • Blend spinach and almond milk until smooth.
  • Add remaining ingredients and blend again until smooth.


  • Feel free to use fresh pumpkin puree instead of canned.
  • Swap the spinach with the leafy greens of your choice. 
  • To lower the natural fruit sugar, swap the mango with 1/4 an avocado or 1/2 cup cauliflower.
  • If you can’t find pumpkin pie spice, use my homemade blend: 1/4 cup ground cinnamon, 3 tablespoons ground ginger, 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon each ground cloves, ground allspice and ground cardamom. You can keep this in a jar with your other spices and use in smoothies, cookies, pancakes, and more!
  • Add in plant-based protein powder to turn this smoothie into a meal replacement.
  • Swap almond milk with the unsweetened, dairy-free milk of your choice.


Calories: 172kcal, Carbohydrates: 33g, Protein: 4g, Fat: 4g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g, Monounsaturated Fat: 2g, Sodium: 352mg, Potassium: 731mg, Fiber: 5g, Sugar: 21g, Vitamin A: 8686IU, Vitamin C: 49mg, Calcium: 368mg, Iron: 2mg
Tried this recipe? Show me!Mention @SimpleGreenSmoothies or tag #SimpleGreenSmoothies!

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  1. 5 stars
    This smoothie is just always a good idea. So creamy, you don’t even notice the spinach and that combo of pumpkin, mango and spices is just perfect.

  2. Made this for my lunch and the incredible smell when I opened the blender was perfect! Added protein powder to fill me up.

  3. 5 stars
    When I first saw mango in the ingredients, I wasn’t sure. But it totally works! All the fall flavors I love. Delicious!

  4. 5 stars
    I often switch between this smoothie and the Maple Pumpkin one in the fall, because they’re both amazing… and I LOVE pumpkin. Great fall smoothie!

  5. Can I use fresh pumpkin in this? If so, how would you do that? I’m not a fan of the canned stuff.

    1. You can def use fresh pumpkin, Dani. I would get a pie pumpkin and roast it like you would if you were making pumpkin pie filling. Happy blending!

  6. 5 stars
    Amazing smoothie!! Just make it again to snack on. The pumpkin and vanilla extract are such a great combination.

    1. So glad that you loved it!! Pumpkin and vanilla really bring all the fall feels 🙂